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Foto Foto Foto Foto Foto Foto Foto Overfense Tower of Saint Anna on the Fortress Bridge (Stone), Western Ante-bridge Walls, Semitower near the Fortress Bridge, Semitower Northern Stairs of the Fortress Bridge Hydroelectric Power Station Fortress Bridge (Stone) Southern Stairs of the Fortress Bridge City fortifications: Old Castle, Castle Walls, New Eastern Tower (Black), Liantskorons'ka Tower, Komendants'ka Tower, Rozhanka Tower, Vodiana (Water) Tower, Mala (Little) Tower, Nova (New) Tower, Denna (Day) Tower, Las'ka Tower (White), Tenchyns'ka Tower, Kovpak (Cap) Tower, Paps'ka (Pope's) Tower Hrestovozdvyzhens'ka Church (Wooden)